Friday 21 March 2014


Because the weather  has not been to good i have spent most of the day in the green house filling the pop bottlers with the carrot mixture for the stump carrots ( sweet  candle) and also sowing 3 seeds in each. one.
By the time they are done i will have filled approx 40 pop bottles and also seeded. Up to now  i have completed about 20 and they are going in the 10ft green house in the morning so they can start to germinate. When they have germinated they will be put in to there final position which is next to the onions. As i said i will be showing some photos later on so all can see what i am doing.  One might ask why i do not put them straight in to the garden  ,well my reason is because the weather we are having as far as i am concerned is not right  at the moment for germinating in the garden either in pots or the ground. By getting them to germinate in the green house ware the temperature is much warmer you get a better chance of growth when you do put them out in the garden when the weather permits plus the fact that you have not lost any time when growing and getting them ready for showing.

For a few years now i have received seed  which has been treated and untreated and to be honest with all i am not to keen on the treated type. I do not know if any one will agree with me but i have found that they do not germinate so well.  Can any one tell me what they are treated with and for what reason.

Well it wont belong before my onion plants will arrive and i am looking forward to see what results i can achieve this year. I am hoping to get  good results but i suppose you can only do your best and have a bit of luck with it.

Within the next week i am going to buy some capillary mats for the green houses as the ones i have has seen better days and it is time to renew There is no doubt about it they are really worth every penny as it saves you a lot of worry knowing that your young plants wont go dry or dry out.    

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