Sunday 8 January 2012


After all the very bad winds and rain we have been having lately i decided to take advantage of this  dry and sunny day  and do a bit of tidying up  and a few repairs to the polytunnel. First thing i had to do with the help of my son was to reseal most of the joints with a fabric which i got off  ebay which was designed for polytunnels. The tunnel i have is 11ft long and a 30mtr roll of sealing tape was enough  to seal all joints.(I will post a photo in my next blogg) The next job to be done was to star and sort out all my pot and pans also my seed trays ready for my flower seeds and with a bit of luck i am hoping to have a good year with them this year. As some of you might have experienced it can be be very hard to germinate very small seeds but there is a solution which i have used for quite a few years. First of all i put the small seeds that i intend to use in a very small plastic bag and then put them in a fridge for about 1 month before i intend to sow them. When the time comes to sow them i fill my trays with fine compost and use  warm water to moisten the compost, after about 30mins i then sow the seeds. I do how ever give the seeds that are covered a mist spray of water.

The flowers for this year will  be
dahlias  from seed
cracker jack marigold
night scented nicotiana
aster   milady
Will  also have a few hanging baskets.
This is only a few items for now but know doubt there will be more.


  1. I like your tiny seed sowing tip and will definitely try it with some of mine this year.

    I was wondering if you might add your plants to Folia the online gardening website (it's free). I'm always looking to encourage more gardeners to join and am having an extra push this week while the weather is keeping most people indoors.

    It's a great resource for gardeners and has helped me keep on top of my 800+ plantings with photo's, notes, journals, milestones etc. They have an extensive plant wiki and a seed stash section where people can also list seeds for swapping. Here's the link to my Folia page so you can see how it works:

  2. CALLY,Ihope that you will be successful with little tip. I have used it for many years now and it very rarely fails. As you might already know there are some seed that do not need covering for germiation and may i also say that the same system can be used for vegetable seeds that need to be grown early for shows. Yes i will will be looking ay the link that you have posted.
