Thursday 12 January 2012


Now that we have been told that we are going to have a few days of cold weather i have decided not to take any chances of loosing what i have already sown and also germinated. What i have done as i do most years when we get a cold snap is to cover with fleece and news paper. My way of dealing with it is that i put the fleece over first and then news paper on the top so as to capture the damp and the coldness.I also make sure that my dahlias are covered to. I also again make sure that my xanths are covered as they are starting to produce small cuttings.Another thing which i do is to make sure that all my compost is covered as well because if you have compost that is very wet and it freezes you got a problem when you want to use it. While on the compost subject,i do not buy any compost from anyone who has not had it under cover through the winter and there are a few gardeners who do agree with me on that statement. At the week end i will make my decision as to ware i will be growing my onions-carrots long-stump carrots and also my toms. I have a vague idea but we will see.

1 comment:

  1. We had our first real hard frost here Saturday
    I covered my spuds with fleece the night before just in case. Glad it did
