Monday 16 January 2012


What with it being a cold day i thought i would start by spending a couple of hours in the green house  and start taking cuttings from last years chrysanthemum stools and potting them up in 3" pots. The ones i have done are called BILLY BELL--JOHN WINFIELD--SARA LOUISE. It was last year when i purchased these and i did have a decent show but as i have said i was not in the best of health and they did not get the attention they should have had. I had the plants from  babyface who is well into chrysanthemums so i am hoping i will be able to give him a good report this year providing  everything goes ok. I still have to take more cuttings from the other ones i have but they are not quite ready yet. As to the geraniuns  i have a few cuttings already potted up but i thought i would do a few more.Some people might say i might be a bit late with them  but again we all have our own little ways of doing things and not always at the right time but as long as you get results there is not a problem. As everyone will know we are now having a very cold spell how long it will last who knows but we must make sure all plants are protected from the frost so i hope all you gardeners take heed  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.


  1. ive taken 15 cutting from xanths, same as yours bur more to take. just started with dehlias only 2 but will go stupid now ive done 2. hope yours do well.

  2. Glad to hear you got some cuttings chris, hoping to have a better show of them this year. good luck.
