Sunday, 8 March 2015


For the last day or two i have been sorting out which trays i will be using for different types of seed. My reason for this is because over the past years i have learned that some types of  plants when germinated do need to have plenty of room to grow especially if the are inclined to get on the bushy side. What i have just stated might not make sense to some people but it is what i have noticed over the years and i have always had good results. Not only do they grow better but it makes it much easier when transplanting. As most of gardeners will know that pricking out for transplanting can be a bit of a pain and also it can take time so the more you can do to eliminate problems the better it will be.
Re to the trays and pots it will depend on what seed i am going to sow for instance if i am going to grow  flowers i use trays with individual cells which could hold up to 30 plants and that they are very easy to transplant  into bigger pots when required.  With other trays they will have be bigger in-depth  as those will be the ones i will use for my onion seed as i have learnt that they do not to like to be disturbed to much and by being sown in bigger pots you will nearly always get good results..
In my last blogg i said that i will be growing tomatoes and the ones for this year will be
shirley  sweet million and gardeners delight. I will be sowing them this week as there is plenty time for them to grow. I do think that you can some times grow things far to early and by doing that you can come across. problems  ie they can get leggy plus other problems.
In my next blogg i will tell you how i plant my tomato plants. cheers for now.   .

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