Monday 13 December 2010


seeds sown for 2011.
12 seeds from 2009 ailsea bulb.
18 seeds from unwins exhibition
30 seeds alisa craig.
30 seeds russian. going to be very interesting to see the results.

The other tomatoe which i am growing when time is right will be shirley.

Athough this cold weather will help to kill a lot of horrible beasties i have also sprayed the toms green house with disinfectant, i am also making enquiries re to sulphur candles. Info will be appreciated on sulphur candles.

In the 11ft polytunnell i have turned the soil over and have covered it with news papper as i always do when the weather is freezing. Why i am saying that is because i have learnt over the years that the ground is still very cold up to the end of march and as most gardeners should know that young plants do nead a certain amount of heat in the ground. Now to watering plants, i have said many times to many gardeners if you can get water that has not got chloride in it use it because plants do not like chloride,i suppose i am lucky as there are a lot of mountain spings in the area where i live .One final thing , there is a lot more little issues in gardening that can benifit small gardeners wether they show or not and i will pass on everything i know in future post. ( dont want to upset the show boys)

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